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Shalom Restaurant

Shalom Restaurant is situated along Bomet-Narok highway just next to Rehema Fashions. This is one of the best restaurant in Mulot town offering a variety of dishes including Nyama Choma and Pilau. Snacks are of the highest quality where chapati is the order of the day for most customers. Dishes are prepared by qualified cooks trained locally and elsewhere with wide range of experience. Waiters are neat and upto the point familiar with the dishes and always ready to serve customers. Hospitality is within the faces of the staff and always ready to handle every need of the customer. What is more important is the deliciousness of food where quality and cleanliness is observed. Every staff is always ready to handle any arising complain where the Manager Mr Geoffrey Korir is always available to sort out issues affecting the customers. Samwel Keter is among the best staff, him being cashier of the day. Meet Charlie who is always quick waiter to serve you. Long live Shalom. Welcome to Shalom and enjoy your meal.

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